Church Board -
Tammy Cartia
Tammy has been a member of the Church of the Brethren for years and joined our church when another closed. She has served the church in child care, children's education and maintenance of the flower beds. During 2022 and the early months of 2023, she also served on the Witness Commission and in Nov. of 2022 took over as the Board Chair. Her goal again is to reach out to serve the community and grow our congregation. Tammy also serves as a Deacon and has taken on the responsibility of the Executive Commission working closely with our Interim Pastor.
Church Board -
Tim Powell
Tim is working in the areas of maintenance as part of the Stewards Commission including participating in a search for new and replacement equipment. He is now also serving as Vice Chair of the Board.
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Marshall Ritchey
Marshall is a long-time Church of the Brethren member. While his career meant he was gone for long periods, he is now back in Pittsburgh and has been found to be with invaluable information on in particular the construction and maintenance issues at the church. He has accepted a role added during COVID as research and presenter of a segment in our Sunday service entitled "The History of Hymns" and served as part of a committee working on a revision of the congregations Bylaws and Constitution. Late in Nov., 2022, Marshall was elected to serve a one-year term as Board Chair and faithfully led us in looking for avenues within our community to grow the church. We thank him for his service in this capacity. Early in 2023, he began service on the Witness Commission.
Church Board -
Greg Bowman
Greg has been with the church since he was a child and through the years has given of his time and talents in many ways. The stained-glass windows at the church were donated by his mother, now deceased, and he recently cleaned the protective coating on the outside of those windows in the prescribed manner saving us thousands of dollars. We value his knowledge of the history of the church.
Church Board -
Larry Shank
Asked to join our meetings as Parliamentarian in 2022, he was elected to the Board by the congregation in 2023. He led efforts to revise the Bylaws and Constitution with his knowledge of business practices and their relation to a religious community. Larry also serves as the church treasurer.