Our congregation gives roughly ten percent of our income to missions that the church board decides to support. We also may have special projects of giving such as during the Advent season. In the past during this special season we collected toys, games and puzzles for "Superheroes Believe in Miracles" to send birthday bags to hospitalized children and supported a backpack initiative sending nutrition home for needy children on the weekends We also collected monies to support victims of the Tree of Life massacre. On a regular basis, we donate non-perishable food items to the local Food Bank and host a Head Start program. In addition to many places worldwide where Brethren are active with volunteer work or emergency assistance, the Church of the Brethren carries out mission projects in a number of countries. Some of these projects are the fruits of long relationships that span generations. Others are newer efforts in places where we have sensed God leading us today. In all cases, we work in mutual relationship with individuals and organizations in the local setting—seeking both to give and to learn. We also have an orphanage in Honduras which was visited for volunteer work by some of our congregants.
Here are some links to missions organizations and projects: Brethren Disaster Ministries, Brethren Volunteer Service, Children's Disaster Services, workcamps, the Global Food Crisis Fund, the Global Women's Project, and peacemaking. |